Back by popular demand, Learning by Design is thrilled to announce the next iteration of the immersive DIALOGUES 23 gathering, which will convene education facility design creatives, change makers, experts, and pioneers in an inspirational setting. Attendees will share research, inspire ideas, and leverage synergies through individual and group creativity. This two-day event will inspire new directions and approaches to push architecture for education to the next level and create collaboration and lasting connections between participants.

It's All About Sharing Research and Knowledge:

To facilitate forward-thinking conversation, DIALOGUES 23 is seeking research projects that advance design for learning. We invite people to share the motivation, design methods and specific analysis tools developed, and findings from research initiatives, plus to serve as catalysts/facilitators for conversation to teach others how they can replicate the research.

We are interested in what you have been doing and invite you to share. If you would like to advance knowledge and next level discussions during this marquee event, please fill out the form below.

The Deadline 1/5/2023.


Please describe the purpose of your research, research method, principal results and major conclusions and why you feel it needs to be replicated by others and how it would benefit the design for education movement (150 words).

Focus Area: The DIALOGUES 23 gathering welcomes submissions that define the measures that matter and identifying instruments / tools / methods and data that reflect advancements in the design for education industry which include (but aren’t limited to) the following. Please check the area(s) that apply or share a new focus of interest in the “other” category.


Provocateur : Up to two attendees may be listed as small group facilitators for this submission.



Address (2nd Provocateur):

Additional Details If Selected:

  • You will be notified in the third week of January 2023, and additional instructions for being a presenting provocateur will be provided.
  • DIALOGUES 23 will ask you to present your material from across the table for three individual and then repeated consecutive 45-minute CoLabs during the event. Each CoLab should comprise of approximately 15-20 minutes to share your information, and research tools, with the remaining time dedicated to a dialogue-driven conversation with 12-15 attendees.
  • DIALOGUES 23 will ask to you provide a one sheet overview of your research/project as pre-read for the attendees.
  • All CoLab provacateurs/presentors will be required to purchase a DIALOGUES 23 registration.